BeschrijvingAttr. Yu Deok jang. Bamboo Tree. 18th c. Ewha Womans University Museum.jpg
English: Attributed to Yu Deok jang. Bamboo Tree. 18th c. Ink on paper, Ewha Womans University Museum. Note of the museum : In the upper-left corner of the painting, calligraphy states that the painting is the work of the old man, Su-un, the artist’s pen name. Below that, a red-ink seal with his name and pen name imprinted in Chinese characters implies that the painting is the work of Yu Deok-jang. Along with Lee Jeong and Shin Wi, Yu is regarded as one of the three greatest painters of bamboo in blank ink style of the Joseon period.
Français : Attribué à Yu Deok jang. Bambou. 18e siècle. Encre sur papier, H. env. 120 cm. Musée de l'université féminine Ewha. Notice du musée : Dans le coin supérieur gauche du tableau, la calligraphie indique que la peinture est l'œuvre du vieil homme, Su-un, nom de plume de l'artiste. Au-dessous, un sceau rouge avec son nom et son nom de plume en caractères chinois indiquent que le tableau est l'œuvre de Yu Deok-jang. Avec Lee Jeong et Shin Wi, Yu est considéré comme l'un des trois plus grands peintres de bambou à l'encre de la période Joseon.
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{{Information |description ={{en|1=Attributed to Yu Deok jang. Bamboo Tree. 18th c. Ink on paper, Ewha Womans University Museum. Note of the museum : In the upper-left corner of the painting, calligraphy states that the painting is the work of the old man, Su-un, the artist’s pen name. Below that, a red-ink seal with his name and pen name imprinted in Chinese characters implies that the painting is the work of Yu Deok-jang. Along with Lee Jeong and Shin Wi, Yu is regarded as one of the thre...