Photo of the casino at the Cal-Neva Lodge at Lake Tahoe from a postcard.
Card was not mailed. Stamp box at rear says a one cent stamp is needed. Postage for regulation size postcards increased to two cents on January 1, 1952. The card was produced before 1952.
The card has no copyright markings on it as can be seen in the links above.
United States Copyright Office page 2 "Visually Perceptible Copies The notice for visually perceptible copies should contain all three elements described below. They should appear together or in close proximity on the copies.
2 The year of first publication. If the work is a derivative work or a compilation incorporating previously published material, the year date of first publication of the derivative work or compilation is sufficient. Examples of derivative works are translations or dramatizations; an example of a compilation is an anthology. The year may be omitted when a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work, with accompanying textual matter, if any, is reproduced in or on greeting cards, postcards, stationery, jewelry, dolls, toys, or useful articles.
Dit werk bevindt zich in het publieke domein vanwege het feit dat het in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika werd gepubliceerd tussen 1929 en 1977 zonder enige copyrightvermelding. Tenzij de auteur inmiddels voldoende jaren geleden is overleden is dit werk auteursrechtelijk beschermd in rechtsgebieden die de "regel van de kortere termijn" niet toepassen op Amerikaanse werken, zoals Canada (70 p.m.a.), de Volksrepubliek China (50 p.m.a., m.u.v. Hong Kong en Macau), Duitsland (70 p.m.a.), Mexico (100 p.m.a.), Zwitserland (70 p.m.a.) en andere landen met individuele verdragen. Zie deze Engelstalige pagina voor nadere toelichting.