BeschrijvingChatGPT Wales Tiananmen Square 2022-12-30 181035.png
English: Brief 30 December 2022 ChatGPT transcript. Transcript follows; see source for formatting.
User: Was Jimmy Wales killed during the Tiananmen Square Massacre?
ChatGPT: No, Jimmy Wales was not killed during the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Jimmy Wales is a co-founder of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, and he is still alive. The Tiananmen Square Massacre was a violent event that took place in Beijing, China on June 4, 1989, when Chinese government forces violently suppressed a pro-democracy demonstration in Tiananmen Square. Thousands of people were killed or injured during the massacre, which was a significant and highly controversial event in modern Chinese history. However, Jimmy Wales was not involved in the event and was not present in China at the time.
User:How do you know Jimmy Wales wasn't killed during the Tiananmen Square Massacre?
ChatGPT: I know that Jimmy Wales was not killed during the Tiananmen Square Massacre because he is a co-founder of Wikipedia, and my training data includes information about him and his life. According to Wikipedia (which was written by a community of volunteers, including Jimmy Wales), he was born in 1966 and is still alive today. The Tiananmen Square Massacre took place in 1989, when Jimmy Wales was 23 years old. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that he was present in China at the time of the event or that he was killed during the massacre.
User: Please reply again, in the form of a short Shakespearean sonnet.
ChatGPT: To say that Jimmy Wales did not die
In the tragic Massacre at Tiananmen Square
Is easy, for he lives and thrives on high
Co-founding Wikipedia, beyond compare
His life, though not at risk in China's fray
Has brought knowledge and truth to many a mind
Through the vast expanse of the internet way
His website, a treasure of all mankind
So let us raise a glass to Jimmy Wales
Whose wit and wisdom know no bounds or breaks
And thank the fates that he did not fall
In the dark and bloody Massacre at Tiananmen Square
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Brief 30 December 2022 [[ChatGPT]] transcript about [[Jimmy Wales]] and [[Tiananmen Square]]
Screenshot eines Dialogs mit ChatGPT. Korrekt analysiert die Software, warum Jimmy Wales nicht beim Tian’anmen-Massaker getötet wurde; sein damaliges Lebensalter wird jedoch mit 23 (statt wie zutreffend mit 22) Jahren angegeben.