English: The Mexico national football team before playing its first game v. France at the 1930 FIFA World Cup held in Uruguay.
The line-up was: Bonfiglio, Garza, M. Rosas, F. Rosas, A. Sánchez, Amezcúa, L. Pérez, Carreño, Mejía, Ruiz, H. López.
This work is in the public domain because it was published in Uruguay as anonymous or pseudonymous more than 70 years ago. Under uruguayan laws 9.739, 17.616 and its 2019 amendments: "In the anonymous and pseudonymous works, the term shall be seventy years after the work has been lawfully made available to the public, unless before the said period the author reveals his identity [...]" (details).
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het bevond zich in het publiek domein in het thuisland (Uruguay) op de URAA-datum (1 januari 1996).
Voor achtergrondinformatie, zie niet-V.S. auteursrechten (Engels). Noot: Merk ook op dat dit sjabloon niet moet worden gebruikt voor geluidsopnames.