Oorspronkelijk bestand (1.000 × 4.000 pixels, bestandsgrootte: 657 kB, MIME-type: image/png)



Shows the principle, forces and traveling distances in a basic tackle. Rendered using POV-Ray (see http://www.povray.org/) and the scene description code shown below. This image comes complete with annotations; letters, numbers and arrows. Because of this, rendering this image with POV-Ray requires the free TrueType fonts "cmr10.ttf" (Computer Modern Roman) and "cmmi10.ttf" (Computer Modern italics) either in the same directory as the .pov or installed globally on the computer.

The scene description assumes that the image is four times as tall as it is wide! When rendering, remember to specify the width and height of the rendering accordingly.
Datum 15 april 2005 (originele uploaddatum)
Bron Geen machineleesbare bron opgegeven. Eigen werk aangenomen (gebaseerd op auteursrechtclaims).
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POV-Ray scene description for this image:

  Demonstrating the principle of the basic tackle
  Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page
  et http://da.wiki.x.io/wiki/Bruger:Peo
  #macro WoodTxt(WhiteOut)  // Wood texture with specified
    pigment {               // degree of "whiting out"
      color_map {
        [0 color rgbt <.9+.1*WhiteOut,.7+.3*WhiteOut,.5+.5*WhiteOut>]
        [1 color rgbt <.7+.3*WhiteOut,.5+.5*WhiteOut,.4+.6*WhiteOut>]
      scale .1
      turbulence .05
      translate <2,0,-1>
    finish {ambient .4+.3*WhiteOut}  
  #macro RopeTxt(WhiteOut)  // Texture for ropes, with specified "whiting out"
    pigment {color rgb <1+.0*WhiteOut,.9+.1*WhiteOut,.6+.4*WhiteOut>}
    finish {ambient .4+.3*WhiteOut}
  #macro Tackle(WhiteOut)   // Renders the tackle, weight and parts of the rope
    #local WheelSideCut=difference {
      cone {<0,0,.03>,.35,<0,0,.13>,.45}
      cone {<0,0,.3>,0,<0,0,-.3>,.6}
    #local MetalTxt=texture {   // Metal texture for hooks and weight
      pigment {color rgb .5+WhiteOut/4}
      finish {
        ambient .4+.2*WhiteOut
        reflection rgb .3
    merge {
      difference {
        box {<-.45,-1,-.3>,<.45,.5,.3>} // "body" of tackle
        box {<-1,-.5,-.1>,<1,1,.1>}     // The "gap" for the wheel
        plane {<3,-1,0>,-.3}            // Left "slanted" side
        plane {<-3,-1,0>,-.3}           // Right "slanted" side
        texture {WoodTxt(WhiteOut) rotate <90,0,0>}
      difference {                        // Wheel in the tackle
        cylinder {<0,0,-.09>,<0,0,.09>,.5}  // "Body" of the wheel
        torus {.5,.07 rotate <90,0,0>}      // Groove for the rope
        #object {WheelSideCut}                // Cut-aways on both
        #object {WheelSideCut scale <1,1,-1>} // sides of the wheel
        texture {MetalTxt}
        translate <0,.25,0>
      cylinder {<0,.25,-.4>,<0,.25,.4>,.1 // Axle through
        texture {MetalTxt}                // wheel and tackle
      sphere_sweep {b_spline,7            // Hook on the tackle
        <  0,-0.7,0>,.1
        <  0,-1  ,0>,.1
        <  0,-1.2,0>,.1
        < .3,-1.5,0>,.09      
        <  0,-1.8,0>,.08      
        texture {MetalTxt}
      merge {                             // Weight attached to the hook
        difference {    // Round part of attachment ring
          torus {.2,.1 rotate <0,0,90>}
          plane {<0,1,0>,0}
          translate <0,-1.75,0>
        cylinder {<0,-1.75,-.2>,<0,-1.85,-.2>,.1} // Straight parts of
        cylinder {<0,-1.75, .2>,<0,-1.85, .2>,.1} // attachment ring
        cone {<0,-1.85,0>,.4,<0,-2.8,0>,.6} // "Body" of the waight
        texture {MetalTxt}
      merge {     // Rope around the wheel in the tacle
        difference {
          torus {.5,.07 rotate <90,0,0>}
          plane {<0,-1,0>,0}
        cylinder {<.5,0,0>, // Straight part of rope on right side of wheel
          <.5,#if (WhiteOut=0) 1 #else 6 #end,0>,.07
        translate <0,.25,0>
        texture {RopeTxt(WhiteOut)}
      cylinder {    // Free end of rope on left side of the wheel
        <-.5,.25,0>,<-.5,#if (WhiteOut=0) 7 #else 1 #end,0>,.07
        texture {RopeTxt(WhiteOut)}
      union {   // Free end of the rope with the hook with ring attached:
        merge {   // Knot and loop at the free end of the rope:   
          #local Count=0;   // The knot
          #while (Count<5)
            torus {.1,.07 translate <-.5,1.45-.14*Count,0>}
            #local Count=Count+1;
          difference {    // Part of rope loop bent around the hook
            torus {.15,.07}
            box {<-1,-1,0>,<0,1,1> rotate <0,-30,0>}
            box {-1,<0,1,0> rotate <0,30,0>}
            rotate <0,0,90>
            translate <-.5,1.8,0>
          cylinder {  // Straight part of rope loop, away from viewer
            rotate <30,0,0> translate <-.5,1.8,0>
          cylinder {  // Straight part of rope loop, towards viewer
            rotate <-30,0,0> translate <-.5,1.8,0>
          texture {RopeTxt(WhiteOut)}
        merge { // Hook with ring at the free end of the rope
          sphere_sweep {b_spline,7  // The hook itself
            <-.2,2  ,0>,.09      
            <-.8,2  ,0>,.06
          torus {.2,.1 rotate <90,0,0> translate <-.5,2.72,0>}  // The ring on the hook
          texture {MetalTxt}
        #if (WhiteOut=0)    // Using WhiteOut property to specify the length of the
          translate <0,6,0> // free end of the rope, and hence the knot and hook
  #macro LengthArrow (Length,NameSymbol)  // Double arrow with symbol for indicating lengths
    #local ArrowHead=difference {
      box {<-1,-1,-.001>,<0,0,.001> rotate <0,0,45> scale <1,3,1>}
      plane {<0,1,0>,-.5}
    merge {
      box {<-.5,-.01,-.001>,<.5,.01,.001>}
      #object {ArrowHead scale <1,-1,1> translate <0,.01,0>}
      box {<-.01,.51,-.01>,<.01,Length-.51,.001>}
      #object {ArrowHead translate <0,Length-.01,0>}
      box {<-.5,Length-.01,-.001>,<.5,Length+.01,.001>}
      #object {NameSymbol
        translate <0,
      pigment {color rgb 0}
  #macro ForceArrow (Length,NameSymbol)   // Fat arrow with symbol for indicating forces
    merge {
      difference {
        box {<-1,-1,-.001>,<0,0,.001> rotate <0,0,45> scale <1,2,1>}
        plane {<0,1,0>,-.5}
        translate <0,Length,0>
      box {<-.1,0,-.01>,<.1,Length-.5,.01>}
      #object {NameSymbol
        translate <0,
      pigment {color rgb 0}
  // The scenario:
  box {<.3,2,-1000>,<.7,3,1000> texture {WoodTxt(0)}}   // Wooden beam
  merge { // End of rope tied around the wooden beam:
    cylinder {<.77,3,0>,<.77,2,0>,.07}  // Down the far side of the beam
    intersection {  // Around farthest, upper corner on beam
      torus {.07,.07}
      box {<0,-1,-1>,<1,1,0>}
      rotate <90,0,0>
      translate <.7,3,0>
    cylinder {<.3,3.07,0>,<.7,3.07,0>,.07}  // Horizontal part above beam
    intersection {  // Around the nearest, upper corner on beam
      torus {.07,.07}
      box {-1,<0,1,0>}
      rotate <90,0,0>
      translate <.3,3,0>
    cylinder {<.23,3,0>,<.23,2,0>,.07}  // Down the near side of the beam
    difference {    // Around the nearest, lower corner on beam
      torus {.07,.07}
      plane {<0,0,1>,0}
      plane {<0,0,-1>,0 rotate <0,25,0>}
      rotate <90,0,0>
      translate <.3,2,0>
    cylinder {<-.07,0,0>,<-.07,-.7,0>,.07 // From nearest lower corner on
      rotate <0,0,25> translate <.3,2,0>  // the beam down to the knot
    cylinder {<.07,0,0>,<.07,-.7,0>,.07   // From farthest lower corner on
      rotate <0,0,-25> translate <.7,2,0> // the beam down to the knot
    #local Count=0; // The knot just underneath the wooden beam
    #while (Count<5)
      torus {.1,.07 translate <.5,1.45-.14*Count,0>}
      #local Count=Count+1;
    texture {RopeTxt(0)}
  #object {Tackle(0)}   // Tackle in upper position, at full "color density"
  #object {Tackle(.7) translate <0,-6,0>} // "Whited-out" tackle at lower position
  #object {LengthArrow(6,   // Indicating the length "s" the weight travels
    text {ttf "cmmi10.ttf"
      "s",.001,0 translate <.1,0,0>}
    ) translate <1.2,-8.3,0>}
  #object {LengthArrow(12,  // Indicating the length "2s" the hook travels
    union {
      text {ttf "cmr10.ttf"
        "2",.001,0 translate <-.95,0,0>}
      text {ttf "cmmi10.ttf"
        "s",.001,0 translate <-.45,0,0>}
  ) translate <-1.4,-3.28,0>}
  #object {ForceArrow(4,    // Indicating the lifting force "F" on the weight
    text {ttf "cmmi10.ttf"
      "F",.001,0 translate <-.85,0,0>}
    translate <-1,-8.8,0>
  #object {ForceArrow(2,    // Indicating the force "F/2" excerted on the rope end
    union {
      text {ttf "cmmi10.ttf"
        "F",.001,0 translate <.3,.9,0>}
      box {<.2,.70,0>,<1.1,.74,.001>}
      text {ttf "cmr10.ttf"
        "2",.001,0 translate <.4,-.1,0>}
    translate <.3,7,0>
  //  background {color rgb 1}  // Provides the white backdrop
  camera {              // Camera: Indicates where the scenario is
    up <0,1,0>          // seen from, and where the viewer "looks"
    right <.25,0,0>
    location <-5,5,-30>
    look_at <-.3,.37,0>
    angle 8.4
  light_source {<-1000,2500,-2000> color rgb 1} // Illumination


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huidige versie5 aug 2012 21:38Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 5 aug 2012 21:381.000 × 4.000 (657 kB)Morntransparent background
4 aug 2012 22:37Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 4 aug 2012 22:371.000 × 4.000 (614 kB)Mornredone at higher resolution and with Computer Modern TTF fonts
15 apr 2005 23:15Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 15 apr 2005 23:15250 × 1.000 (77 kB)Peo~commonswikiShows the principle, forces and travelling distances in a basic tackle. Rendered using POV-Ray (see heep://www.povray.org/) and the scene description code shown below. This image comes complete with annotations; lettes, numbers and arrows. Because of thi

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