Mount of a Triceratops horridus adult and a juvenile of the same species, at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana. Triceratops was as large as an African elephant, although babies were just the size of a St. Bernard dog. In this mount, brown shows molded casts of the actual fossil of Yoshi's Trike that were recovered while white shows reconstructed areas (where fossil was not recovered). See
Dinosaur growth is classified into four categories: baby, juvenile, subadult, and adult. Most collections ignore smaller-sized fossils in favor of the big, eye-catching type. But this has meant that the otogeny (changes in an animal as it grows up) of dinosaurs has often been ignored. It also means that many babies, juveniles, and subadults have been mistaken for unique species rather than just junior versions.
Baby Triceratops had triangular nodules along the outer edge of the frill, the backward-curving horns, solid snouts, and no holes in the frill. Over time, the nodules fuse with the frill and almost disappear, the horns point forward (a sign of sexual maturity), and the snouts and frill showing large "excavation" (areas of no bone).
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