In de eerste plaats is dit een poging om een werklijst te maken op basis waarvan artikelen geschreven kunnen worden over mensen die onbetwijfelbaar E zijn. Zie Medal of Honor (militair) voor meer informatie. Misschien kunnen hier later 'echte' lijsten van worden gemaakt, zoals op en:List of American Civil War Medal of Honor recipients: A–F. Voel je alsjeblieft vrij om deze pagina te bewerken, bijvoorbeeld om typefouten te verhelpen of links te fixen. Soms staan er dubbele namen in. Waar dit om één persoon ging, is "(2x)" erbij gezet. In de andere gevallen gaat het om twee personen met dezelfde naam.
- James F. Adams
- John G.B. Adams
- Michael Aheam
- Frederick Alber
- Christian Albert
- Abner P. Allen
- James Allen
- Nathaniel M. Allen
- Adelbert Ames
- Robert W. Ammerman
- Bruce Anderson
- Charles W. Anderson
- Everett W. Anderson
- Frederick C. Anderson
- Marion T. Anderson
- Peter Anderson
- Robert Anderson
- Thomas Anderson
- John Angling
- Andrew O. Apple
- William H. Appleton
- James W. Archer
- Lester Archer
- William J. Archinal
- Clinton L. Armstrong
- Abraham K. Arnold
- Matthew Arther
- Charles Asten
- Thomas E. Atkinson
- James Avery
- William B. Avery
- David Ayers
- John G.K. Ayers
- William J. Babcock
- Elijah W. Bacon
- Absalom Baird
- Charles Baker
- Charles H. Baldwin
- Frank D. Baldwin
- Frederick Ballen
- George L. Banks
- James A. Barber
- Nathaniel C. Barker
- William H. Barnes
- Henry A. Barnum
- James Barnum
- Charles L. Barrell
- Jesse T. Barrick
- William H. Barringer
- Augustus Barry
- Gurdon H. Barter
- Thomas Barton
- David L. Bass
- Richard N. Batchelder
- Delevan Bates
- Norman F. Bates
- Philip Baybutt
- Philip Bazaar
- Alexander M. Beatty
- Powhatan Beaty
- Jean J. Beaufort
- Eugene B. Beaumont
- Edward J. Bebb
- Wallace A. Beckwith
- Richard Beddows
- William S. Beebe
- John P. Beech
- Terrence Begley
- Thomas Belcher
- George Bell
- James B. Bell
- George G. Benedict
- John F. Benjamin
- Samuel N. Benjamin
- Orren Bennett
- Orson W. Bennett
- William Bensinger
- William H.H. Benyaurd
- Asa Betham
- Charles M. Betts
- Hillary Beyer
- Charles J. Bibber
- Henry H. Bickford
- John F. Bickford
- Matthew Bickford
- Charles Bieger
- Richard Binder
- Henry H. Bingham
- Horatio L. Birdsall
- Francis A. Bishop
- John C. Black
- William P. Black
- Wilmon W. Blackmar
- William R.D. Blackwood
- William Blagheen
- Robert M. Blair
- Robert Blake
- Thomas A. Blasdel
- Milton Blickensderfer
- George N. Bliss
- Zenas R. Bliss
- Welis H. Blodgett
- Charles Blucher
- John W. Blunt
- Peter M. Boehm
- Frank Bois
- William S. Bond
- Henry G. Bonebrake
- Sylvester Bonnaffon, Jr.
- Robert Boody
- Hugh P. Boon
- Nicholas Boquet
- Orlando Boss
- John G. Bourke
- Thomas Bourne
- Richard Boury
- John W. Boutwell
- Chester B. Bowen
- Emmer Bowen
- Edward R. Bowman
- Thomas J. Box
- Henry V. Boynton
- Amos Bradley
- Charles Bradley
- Thomas W. Bradley
- James Brady
- Joseph E. Brandle
- Felix Brannigan
- William Brant
- Edgar A. Bras
- John Brazell
- John Breen
- Christopher Brennan
- Lewis F. Brest
- William J. Brewer
- Charles Breyer
- Elijah A. Briggs
- Andrew Bringle
- Andrew Brinn
- August F. Bronner
- James H. Bronson
- John Brosnan
- Charles W. Brouse
- Charles Brown
- Edward Brown, Jr.
- Henri Le Fevre Brown
- James Brown
- Jeremiah Z. Brown
- John Brown
- John H. Brown
- John Harties Brown
- Morris Brown, Jr.
- Robert Brown
- Robert B. Brown
- Uriah Brown
- William H. Brown
- Wilson Brown
- Wilson W. Brown
- Francis E. Brownell
- William P. Brownell
- Louis J. Bruner
- George W. Brush
- Christopher C. Bruton
- Henry Brutsche
- Andrew S. Bryant
- George A. Buchanan
- F. Clarence Buck
- James Buck
- David E. Buckingham
- Abram J. Buckles
- Denis Buckley
- John C. Buckley
- John K. Bucklyn
- John E. Buffington
- Robert Buffum
- Henry G. Burhman
- William Bumgarner
- James H. Burbank
- Joseph Burger
- E. Michael Burk
- Thomas Burk
- Daniel W. Burke
- Thomas Burke
- James M. Burns
- John M. Burns
- William W. Burritt
- Albert Burton
- Daniel A. Butterfield
- Frank G. Butterfield
- George Butts
- James Byrnes
- Abel G. Cadwallader
- Luman L. Cadwell
- Daniel Caldwell
- Ivers S. Calkin
- John H. Callahan
- Carlton N. Camp
- James A. Campbell
- William Campbell
- William Campbell
- Charles E. Capehart
- Henry Capehart
- Horace Capron, Jr.
- Hugh Carey
- James L. Carey
- Casper R. Carlisle
- Warren Carman
- Isaac H. Carmin
- William H. Carney
- Eugene A. Carr
- Franklin Carr
- William M. Carr
- William J. Carson
- Jacob Cart
- John J. Carter
- Joseph F. Carter
- Orlando E. Caruana
- David Casey
- Henry Casey
- Michael Cassidy
- Isaac S. Catlin
- Oliva Cayer
- Joshua L. Chamberlain
- Orville T. Chamberlain
- Joseph B. Chambers
- Henry F. Chandler
- James B. Chandler
- Stephen E. Chandler
- Alaric B. Chapin
- John Chapman
- Louis G. Chaput
- John F. Chase
- Benjamin H. Child
- William W. Chisman
- James I. Christiancy
- Samuel J. Churchill
- Clinton A. Cilley
- James T. Clancy
- Albert A. Clapp
- Charles A. Clark
- Harrison Clark
- James G. Clark
- John W. Clark
- William A. Clark
- Dayton P. Clarke
- Charles H. Clausen
- Cecil Clay
- Charles F. Cleveland
- Robert T. Clifford
- John E. Clopp
- George W. Clute
- Jefferson Coates
- David L. Cockley
- James Coey
- Robert J. Coffey
- Abraham Cohn
- Patrick Colbert
- Carlos W. Colby
- Gabriel Cole
- Harrison Collins
- Thomas D. Collins
- Charles H.T. Collis
- Oliver Colwell
- Hartwell B. Compson
- John W. Conaway
- Martin Conboy
- Dennis Conlan
- Trustrim Connell
- Richard Conner
- Thomas Connor
- William C. Connor
- James Connors
- John Cook
- John H. Cook
- Walter H. Cooke
- John L.M. Cooper
- John L.M. Cooper
- Charles D. Copp
- John Corcoran
- Thomas E. Corcoran
- George W. Corliss
- Stephen P. Corliss
- Joseph K. Corson
- Richard H. Cosgriff
- Thomas Cosgrove
- Peter Cotton
- John Coughlin
- Robert M. Cox
- John N. Coyne
- William W. Cranston
- Alexander Crawford
- John Creed
- Thomas Cripps
- Henry H. Crocker
- Ulric L. Crocker
- James E. Croft
- Cornelius Cronin
- William H.H. Crosier
- James E. Cross
- Michael Crowley
- Thomas Cullen
- Amos J. Cummings
- James M. Cumpston
- Francis M. Cunningham
- James S. Cunningham
- Richard J. Curran
- John C. Curtis
- Josiah M. Curtis
- Newton M. Curtis
- Thomas W. Custer (2x)
- Byron M. Cutcheon
- James M. Cutts
- John S. Darrough
- John A. Davidsizer
- Andrew Davidson
- Andrew Davidson
- Charles C. Davis
- Freeman Davis
- George E. Davis
- Harry Davis
- John Davis
- John Davis
- Joseph Davis
- Martin K. Davis
- Samuel W. Davis
- Thomas Davis
- Charles Day
- David F. Day
- Charles Deakin
- John M. Deane
- Joseph H. De Castro
- Patrick De Lacey
- Frederick N. Deland
- John C. Delaney
- Hiram H. De Lavie
- John Dempster
- J. Henry Denig
- Lorenzo Denning
- Richard Dennis
- William Densmore
- Charles H. De Puy
- Richard W. DeWitt
- Luigi P. di Cesnola
- William D. Dickey
- David Dickie
- Bartholomew Diggins
- [Hubert Dilger]]
- Michael A. Dillon
- John Ditzenback
- Warren C. Dockum
- Robert F. Dodd
- Edward E. Dodds
- Charles W. Dolloff
- John Donaldson
- John Donnelly
- Timothy Donoghue
- Patrick Doody
- William Doolen
- George H. Dore
- August Dorley
- John Dorman
- Daniel A. Dorsey
- Decatur Dorsey
- Allan H. Dougall
- Michael Dougherty
- Patrick Dougherty
- George P. Dow
- Henry Dow
- William Downey
- Henry W. Downs
- James M. Drake
- James Drury
- John Duffey
- Adam Duncan
- James K.L. Duncan
- James Dunlavy
- William Dunn
- James Dunne
- Richard D. Dunphy
- Henry A. du Pont
- James R. Durham
- John Durham
- John N. Eckes
- Samuel E. Eddy
- Nathan H. Edgerton
- David Edwards
- John Edwards
- James M. Elision
- Alexander Elliott
- Russell C. Elliott
- Horace Ellis
- William Ellis
- Thomas F. Ellsworth
- Andrew H. Embler
- Richard Enderlin
- James E. Engle
- Edmund English
- Thomas English
- Charles D. Ennis
- John P. Erickson
- Lewellyn G. Estes
- Coron D. Evans
- Ira H. Evans
- James R. Evans
- Thomas Evans
- Adelbert Everson
- John C. Ewing
- John A. Falconer
- Charles S. Fall
- Thomas T. Fallon
- Benjamin F. Falls
- Nicholas Fanning
- William Farley
- Herbert E. Farnsworth
- John M. Farquhar
- Edward Farrell
- Charles H. Fasnacht
- John B. Fassett
- Albert E. Fernald
- John H. Ferrell
- Daniel T. Ferrier
- Eugene W. Ferris
- Frank Fesq
- Henry S. Finkenbiner
- John H. Fisher
- Joseph Fisher
- Thomas Fitzpatrick
- Augustin Flanagan
- James Flannigan
- Christian A. Fleetwood
- Thomas Flood
- Christopher Flynn
- James E. Flynn
- Joseph L. Follett
- Manning F. Force
- George W. Ford
- Alexander A. Forman
- Frederick W. Fout
- Henry Fox
- Henry M. Fox
- Nicholas Fox
- William R. Fox
- Charles H. Foy
- William J. Franks
- Joseph Frantz
- William W. Fraser
- Archibald Freeman
- Henry B. Freeman
- Martin Freeman
- William H. Freeman
- Samuel S. French
- Franz Frey
- Jacob G. Frick
- John B. Frisbee
- Henry F. Frizzell
- Isaac N. Fry
- Frederick Fuger
- West Funk
- Chester S. Furman
- Frank Furness