In de eerste plaats is dit een poging om een werklijst te maken op basis waarvan artikelen geschreven kunnen worden over mensen die onbetwijfelbaar E zijn. Zie Medal of Honor (militair) voor meer informatie. Misschien kunnen hier later 'echte' lijsten van worden gemaakt, zoals op en:List of American Civil War Medal of Honor recipients: A–F. Voel je alsjeblieft vrij om deze pagina te bewerken, bijvoorbeeld om typefouten te verhelpen of links te fixen. Soms staan er dubbele namen in. Waar dit om één persoon ging, is "(2x)" erbij gezet. In de andere gevallen gaat het om twee personen met dezelfde naam.

  1. James F. Adams
  2. John G.B. Adams
  3. Michael Aheam
  4. Frederick Alber
  5. Christian Albert
  6. Abner P. Allen
  7. James Allen
  8. Nathaniel M. Allen
  9. Adelbert Ames
  10. Robert W. Ammerman
  11. Bruce Anderson
  12. Charles W. Anderson
  13. Everett W. Anderson
  14. Frederick C. Anderson
  15. Marion T. Anderson
  16. Peter Anderson
  17. Robert Anderson
  18. Thomas Anderson
  19. John Angling
  20. Andrew O. Apple
  21. William H. Appleton
  22. James W. Archer
  23. Lester Archer
  24. William J. Archinal
  25. Clinton L. Armstrong
  26. Abraham K. Arnold
  27. Matthew Arther
  28. Charles Asten
  29. Thomas E. Atkinson
  30. James Avery
  31. William B. Avery
  32. David Ayers
  33. John G.K. Ayers
  34. William J. Babcock
  35. Elijah W. Bacon
  36. Absalom Baird
  37. Charles Baker
  38. Charles H. Baldwin
  39. Frank D. Baldwin
  40. Frederick Ballen
  41. George L. Banks
  42. James A. Barber
  43. Nathaniel C. Barker
  44. William H. Barnes
  45. Henry A. Barnum
  46. James Barnum
  47. Charles L. Barrell
  48. Jesse T. Barrick
  49. William H. Barringer
  50. Augustus Barry
  51. Gurdon H. Barter
  52. Thomas Barton
  53. David L. Bass
  54. Richard N. Batchelder
  55. Delevan Bates
  56. Norman F. Bates
  57. Philip Baybutt
  58. Philip Bazaar
  59. Alexander M. Beatty
  60. Powhatan Beaty
  61. Jean J. Beaufort
  62. Eugene B. Beaumont
  63. Edward J. Bebb
  64. Wallace A. Beckwith
  65. Richard Beddows
  66. William S. Beebe
  67. John P. Beech
  68. Terrence Begley
  69. Thomas Belcher
  70. George Bell
  71. James B. Bell
  72. George G. Benedict
  73. John F. Benjamin
  74. Samuel N. Benjamin
  75. Orren Bennett
  76. Orson W. Bennett
  77. William Bensinger
  78. William H.H. Benyaurd
  79. Asa Betham
  80. Charles M. Betts
  81. Hillary Beyer
  82. Charles J. Bibber
  83. Henry H. Bickford
  84. John F. Bickford
  85. Matthew Bickford
  86. Charles Bieger
  87. Richard Binder
  88. Henry H. Bingham
  89. Horatio L. Birdsall
  90. Francis A. Bishop
  91. John C. Black
  92. William P. Black
  93. Wilmon W. Blackmar
  94. William R.D. Blackwood
  95. William Blagheen
  96. Robert M. Blair
  97. Robert Blake
  98. Thomas A. Blasdel
  99. Milton Blickensderfer
  100. George N. Bliss
  101. Zenas R. Bliss
  102. Welis H. Blodgett
  103. Charles Blucher
  104. John W. Blunt
  105. Peter M. Boehm
  106. Frank Bois
  107. William S. Bond
  108. Henry G. Bonebrake
  109. Sylvester Bonnaffon, Jr.
  110. Robert Boody
  111. Hugh P. Boon
  112. Nicholas Boquet
  113. Orlando Boss
  114. John G. Bourke
  115. Thomas Bourne
  116. Richard Boury
  117. John W. Boutwell
  118. Chester B. Bowen
  119. Emmer Bowen
  120. Edward R. Bowman
  121. Thomas J. Box
  122. Henry V. Boynton
  123. Amos Bradley
  124. Charles Bradley
  125. Thomas W. Bradley
  126. James Brady
  127. Joseph E. Brandle
  128. Felix Brannigan
  129. William Brant
  130. Edgar A. Bras
  131. John Brazell
  132. John Breen
  133. Christopher Brennan
  134. Lewis F. Brest
  135. William J. Brewer
  136. Charles Breyer
  137. Elijah A. Briggs
  138. Andrew Bringle
  139. Andrew Brinn
  140. August F. Bronner
  141. James H. Bronson
  142. John Brosnan
  143. Charles W. Brouse
  144. Charles Brown
  145. Edward Brown, Jr.
  146. Henri Le Fevre Brown
  147. James Brown
  148. Jeremiah Z. Brown
  149. John Brown
  150. John H. Brown
  151. John Harties Brown
  152. Morris Brown, Jr.
  153. Robert Brown
  154. Robert B. Brown
  155. Uriah Brown
  156. William H. Brown
  157. Wilson Brown
  158. Wilson W. Brown
  159. Francis E. Brownell
  160. William P. Brownell
  161. Louis J. Bruner
  162. George W. Brush
  163. Christopher C. Bruton
  164. Henry Brutsche
  165. Andrew S. Bryant
  166. George A. Buchanan
  167. F. Clarence Buck
  168. James Buck
  169. David E. Buckingham
  170. Abram J. Buckles
  171. Denis Buckley
  172. John C. Buckley
  173. John K. Bucklyn
  174. John E. Buffington
  175. Robert Buffum
  176. Henry G. Burhman
  177. William Bumgarner
  178. James H. Burbank
  179. Joseph Burger
  180. E. Michael Burk
  181. Thomas Burk
  182. Daniel W. Burke
  183. Thomas Burke
  184. James M. Burns
  185. John M. Burns
  186. William W. Burritt
  187. Albert Burton
  188. Daniel A. Butterfield
  189. Frank G. Butterfield
  190. George Butts
  191. James Byrnes
  192. Abel G. Cadwallader
  193. Luman L. Cadwell
  194. Daniel Caldwell
  195. Ivers S. Calkin
  196. John H. Callahan
  197. Carlton N. Camp
  198. James A. Campbell
  199. William Campbell
  200. William Campbell
  201. Charles E. Capehart
  202. Henry Capehart
  203. Horace Capron, Jr.
  204. Hugh Carey
  205. James L. Carey
  206. Casper R. Carlisle
  207. Warren Carman
  208. Isaac H. Carmin
  209. William H. Carney
  210. Eugene A. Carr
  211. Franklin Carr
  212. William M. Carr
  213. William J. Carson
  214. Jacob Cart
  215. John J. Carter
  216. Joseph F. Carter
  217. Orlando E. Caruana
  218. David Casey
  219. Henry Casey
  220. Michael Cassidy
  221. Isaac S. Catlin
  222. Oliva Cayer
  223. Joshua L. Chamberlain
  224. Orville T. Chamberlain
  225. Joseph B. Chambers
  226. Henry F. Chandler
  227. James B. Chandler
  228. Stephen E. Chandler
  229. Alaric B. Chapin
  230. John Chapman
  231. Louis G. Chaput
  232. John F. Chase
  233. Benjamin H. Child
  234. William W. Chisman
  235. James I. Christiancy
  236. Samuel J. Churchill
  237. Clinton A. Cilley
  238. James T. Clancy
  239. Albert A. Clapp
  240. Charles A. Clark
  241. Harrison Clark
  242. James G. Clark
  243. John W. Clark
  244. William A. Clark
  245. Dayton P. Clarke
  246. Charles H. Clausen
  247. Cecil Clay
  248. Charles F. Cleveland
  249. Robert T. Clifford
  250. John E. Clopp
  251. George W. Clute
  252. Jefferson Coates
  253. David L. Cockley
  254. James Coey
  255. Robert J. Coffey
  256. Abraham Cohn
  257. Patrick Colbert
  258. Carlos W. Colby
  259. Gabriel Cole
  260. Harrison Collins
  261. Thomas D. Collins
  262. Charles H.T. Collis
  263. Oliver Colwell
  264. Hartwell B. Compson
  265. John W. Conaway
  266. Martin Conboy
  267. Dennis Conlan
  268. Trustrim Connell
  269. Richard Conner
  270. Thomas Connor
  271. William C. Connor
  272. James Connors
  273. John Cook
  274. John H. Cook
  275. Walter H. Cooke
  276. John L.M. Cooper
  277. John L.M. Cooper
  278. Charles D. Copp
  279. John Corcoran
  280. Thomas E. Corcoran
  281. George W. Corliss
  282. Stephen P. Corliss
  283. Joseph K. Corson
  284. Richard H. Cosgriff
  285. Thomas Cosgrove
  286. Peter Cotton
  287. John Coughlin
  288. Robert M. Cox
  289. John N. Coyne
  290. William W. Cranston
  291. Alexander Crawford
  292. John Creed
  293. Thomas Cripps
  294. Henry H. Crocker
  295. Ulric L. Crocker
  296. James E. Croft
  297. Cornelius Cronin
  298. William H.H. Crosier
  299. James E. Cross
  300. Michael Crowley
  301. Thomas Cullen
  302. Amos J. Cummings
  303. James M. Cumpston
  304. Francis M. Cunningham
  305. James S. Cunningham
  306. Richard J. Curran
  307. John C. Curtis
  308. Josiah M. Curtis
  309. Newton M. Curtis
  310. Thomas W. Custer (2x)
  311. Byron M. Cutcheon
  312. James M. Cutts
  313. John S. Darrough
  314. John A. Davidsizer
  315. Andrew Davidson
  316. Andrew Davidson
  317. Charles C. Davis
  318. Freeman Davis
  319. George E. Davis
  320. Harry Davis
  321. John Davis
  322. John Davis
  323. Joseph Davis
  324. Martin K. Davis
  325. Samuel W. Davis
  326. Thomas Davis
  327. Charles Day
  328. David F. Day
  329. Charles Deakin
  330. John M. Deane
  331. Joseph H. De Castro
  332. Patrick De Lacey
  333. Frederick N. Deland
  334. John C. Delaney
  335. Hiram H. De Lavie
  336. John Dempster
  337. J. Henry Denig
  338. Lorenzo Denning
  339. Richard Dennis
  340. William Densmore
  341. Charles H. De Puy
  342. Richard W. DeWitt
  343. Luigi P. di Cesnola
  344. William D. Dickey
  345. David Dickie
  346. Bartholomew Diggins
  347. [Hubert Dilger]]
  348. Michael A. Dillon
  349. John Ditzenback
  350. Warren C. Dockum
  351. Robert F. Dodd
  352. Edward E. Dodds
  353. Charles W. Dolloff
  354. John Donaldson
  355. John Donnelly
  356. Timothy Donoghue
  357. Patrick Doody
  358. William Doolen
  359. George H. Dore
  360. August Dorley
  361. John Dorman
  362. Daniel A. Dorsey
  363. Decatur Dorsey
  364. Allan H. Dougall
  365. Michael Dougherty
  366. Patrick Dougherty
  367. George P. Dow
  368. Henry Dow
  369. William Downey
  370. Henry W. Downs
  371. James M. Drake
  372. James Drury
  373. John Duffey
  374. Adam Duncan
  375. James K.L. Duncan
  376. James Dunlavy
  377. William Dunn
  378. James Dunne
  379. Richard D. Dunphy
  380. Henry A. du Pont
  381. James R. Durham
  382. John Durham
  383. John N. Eckes
  384. Samuel E. Eddy
  385. Nathan H. Edgerton
  386. David Edwards
  387. John Edwards
  388. James M. Elision
  389. Alexander Elliott
  390. Russell C. Elliott
  391. Horace Ellis
  392. William Ellis
  393. Thomas F. Ellsworth
  394. Andrew H. Embler
  395. Richard Enderlin
  396. James E. Engle
  397. Edmund English
  398. Thomas English
  399. Charles D. Ennis
  400. John P. Erickson
  401. Lewellyn G. Estes
  402. Coron D. Evans
  403. Ira H. Evans
  404. James R. Evans
  405. Thomas Evans
  406. Adelbert Everson
  407. John C. Ewing
  408. John A. Falconer
  409. Charles S. Fall
  410. Thomas T. Fallon
  411. Benjamin F. Falls
  412. Nicholas Fanning
  413. William Farley
  414. Herbert E. Farnsworth
  415. John M. Farquhar
  416. Edward Farrell
  417. Charles H. Fasnacht
  418. John B. Fassett
  419. Albert E. Fernald
  420. John H. Ferrell
  421. Daniel T. Ferrier
  422. Eugene W. Ferris
  423. Frank Fesq
  424. Henry S. Finkenbiner
  425. John H. Fisher
  426. Joseph Fisher
  427. Thomas Fitzpatrick
  428. Augustin Flanagan
  429. James Flannigan
  430. Christian A. Fleetwood
  431. Thomas Flood
  432. Christopher Flynn
  433. James E. Flynn
  434. Joseph L. Follett
  435. Manning F. Force
  436. George W. Ford
  437. Alexander A. Forman
  438. Frederick W. Fout
  439. Henry Fox
  440. Henry M. Fox
  441. Nicholas Fox
  442. William R. Fox
  443. Charles H. Foy
  444. William J. Franks
  445. Joseph Frantz
  446. William W. Fraser
  447. Archibald Freeman
  448. Henry B. Freeman
  449. Martin Freeman
  450. William H. Freeman
  451. Samuel S. French
  452. Franz Frey
  453. Jacob G. Frick
  454. John B. Frisbee
  455. Henry F. Frizzell
  456. Isaac N. Fry
  457. Frederick Fuger
  458. West Funk
  459. Chester S. Furman
  460. Frank Furness