mogelijke bronnen decreet van het Heilig Officie van 5 juli 1963 verzet de Katholieke Kerk zich niet langer tegen crematie
5th July 1963 - The Roman Catholic Church accepts cremation as a funeral practice. http://www.historic-newspapers.co.uk/Old-Newspapers/1963-Newspapers
For most of its history, the Roman Catholic Church had a ban against cremation. It was seen as the most sacrilegious act towards Christians and God, not simply blaspheming, but physically declaring a disbelief in the resurrection of the body. In 1963, the Pope lifted the ban on cremation, and in 1966 allowed Catholic priests to officiate at cremation ceremonies. The Church still officially prefers the traditional interment of the deceased. http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Cremation_in_the_Christian_World
The Pope lifted the ban on cremations on the 5th July, 1963 http://www.beckmanwilliamson.com/?page=cremation
the ban on cremation was lifted by the Pope on 5th July, 1963 http://www.srgw.demon.co.uk/CremSoc/GeneralInformation/Know.html
1963 Pope Paul VI announced the relaxation of the Roman Catholic ban on cremation in a confidential letter to bishops and issued his Instruction on 5 July, 1963. http://orthodoxwiki.org/Timeline_of_Orthodox_Church_and_Roman_Catholic_relations
On May 1964 the British newspapers broke the story that, the previous year, Pope Paul VI had announced the relaxation of the Catholic ban on cremation in a confidential letter to bisshops and had issued his Instruction on 5 July, 1963. The reason for the year's delay may be easily explained: on 3 June 1963, Pope John XXIII had died, with Pope Paul VI succeeding him on 21 June, end this was clearly not the appropriate moment for the Catholic Church to announce a radical change in its traditional funeral rites. Encyclopedia Of Cremation, by Douglas James Davies & Lewis H., ISBN 13 978-0-7546-3773-8, page 141
The Vatican, which had long objected to cremation, comes in for a bit of flak. In 1886 Pope Leo xiii banned cremation and it was only at the Second Vatican Council in 1963 that the ban was reversed by Pope John xxiii (and not Pope John Paul xxiii as Rosen mistakenly writes). http://www.anilaggrawal.com/ij/vol_005_no_002/reviews/pb/page006.html
L’Église catholique romaine tolère la crémation depuis le décret De cadaverum crematione du 5 juillet 1963 et la publication du Saint-Office « Instructio de cadaverum crematione » parue le 24 octobre 1964, mais la déconseille : ce décret précise que « l’incinération du corps ne touche pas à l’âme et n’empêche pas la toute-puissance de Dieu de rétablir le corps, de même elle ne contient pas en soi une négation objective de ces dogmes », aussi l'Église « n’est pas opposée et ne s’oppose pas à l’incinération » mais « a toujours voulu encourager la pieuse et constante coutume d’ensevelir les corps des fidèles », concluant que « l’esprit de l’Église est étranger à la crémation » .. https://fr.wiki.x.io/wiki/Cr%C3%A9mation
Wdew (overleg) 23 mei 2015 12:41 (CEST)
- Prachtig allemaal, maar niets hiervan hoort in dit artikel thuis, Crematie#Katholieke Kerk is daarvoor veel passender. Wutsje 23 mei 2015 22:14 (CEST)