Sjabloon:Tabel metro New York legenda pictogrammen



{{Tabel metro New York legenda pictogrammen
| alltimes        = 
| allexceptrush   = 
| allexceptnights = 
| nightsonly      = 
| nightsweekends  = 
| weekdaysonly    = 
| rushonly        = 
| rushpeak        = 
| closed          = 
| custom_icon_1   = 
| custom_text_1   = 
| custom_icon_2   = 
| custom_text_2   = 


{{Tabel metro New York legenda pictogrammen
| alltimes = show
| allexceptrush = show
| allexceptnights = show
| nightsonly = show
| nightsweekends = show
| weekdaysonly = show
| rushonly = show
| rushpeak = show
| closed = show
Verklaring dienstregeling
Stops all times Stopt gehele dag
Stops all times except late nights Stopt behalve 's avonds laat en 's nachts
Stops late nights only Stopt alleen 's avonds laat en 's nachts
Stops late nights and weekends Stopt alleen 's avonds laat, 's nachts en weekends
Stops weekdays only Stopt alleen op weekdagen
Stops all times except rush hours in the peak direction Stopt altijd behalve spitsuur in de spitsrichting
Stops rush hours only Stopt alleen spitsuur
Stops rush hours in peak direction only Stopt alleen spitsuur in de spitsrichting
Station closed Station gesloten